Care packs
CARE PACK REQUEST FORMThe core of Tenaciously Teal’s mission is loving others, and it started with a Cancer Care Pack.
Each Care Pack is filled with day to day items Tarah and other cancer fighters have found helpful during treatment, as well as a handwritten note of encouragement from an adult or child. Tenaciously Teal is happy to give away Care Packs, but as a nonprofit charity, we are always grateful for donations that empower us to spread more love to cancer fighters! It’s free to request a Tenaciously Teal Care Pack for you or your loved one, however, when you cover the shipping cost we will send a nicer and heavier care pack sent through priority mail. Furthermore, we always include a post card with the name(s) of those requesting a Care Pack to be mailed to someone they care about!
T. Teal does filter all Care Pack requests and will only mail one per person.
T. Teal does require a $10 minimum donation for all Care Pack requests and a $40 minimum donation for all international Care Pack requests.

Request a care pack
T. Teal does filter all care pack requests and will only mail one per person.
T. Teal does require a $40 minimum donation for all international Care Pack requests.
T. Teal does require a $10 minimum donation for all Care Pack requests.
T. Teal does filter all care pack requests and will only mail one per person.
Bulk orders can only be requested by and sent to hospitals and treatment facilities. A max of 30 care packs can be requested at a time.

Care pack Parties

A Care Pack Party is a wonderful opportunity for families to volunteer alongside each other to help spread love and hope to cancer fighters. The simplicity of a Cancer Care Pack allows everyone, regardless of age or ability, to participate in our mission. Families have found Care Pack Parties to be a great way to regularly give back, and kids love helping their parents assemble the Care Packs, write notes of encouragement, and decorate bags. Check out our events page to find out where our next community-wide party will be held or request a private Care Pack Party for your church or organization.